
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make or change a reservation?2022-10-14T15:16:14-06:00

You can easily make a reservation with our online booking system at Book Now.

If you wish to speak with someone instead, please message our booking manager, JB, on WhatsApp at [wpcode id=”7689″] to reserve your room as well as make changes to an existing reservation.

Where is Eagle’s Nest located and how do I get there?2023-06-15T22:32:23-06:00

We are located in beautiful San Marcos la Laguna, Guatemala. We offer breath-taking views of Lake Atitlan and the surrounding volcanoes. For our precise location, please visit Google Maps.

To get here from Downtown San Marcos la Laguna, take a tuc tuc (local taxi) to Eagle’s Nest Way (we recommend a tuc tuc instead of walking because of the steep incline). When the driver drops you off at the street intersection, follow the yellow arrows until you reach our entrance (approximately five minutes). The walk is through a forested path with several series of stairs, so if you are bringing more than a backpack then we recommend you hire your tuc tuc driver to carry your luggage. If you would like us to arrange your transportation from Antigua or Guatemala City, please contact our booking manager, JB, on WhatsApp at [wpcode id=”7689″].

What is included with my room reservation?2022-10-14T15:15:50-06:00

All bookings include:

    • 3 vegetarian meals per day
    • 2 daily yoga classes
    • Weekly ecstatic dance (Saturdays only)
    • 3 weekly sauna activations (Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday)
    • All classes & workshops held on our platform are included
    • Discounted classes & workshops in our Shala & Enchanted Forest

Book Now

What is the schedule of your classes, events and retreats?2022-05-25T15:20:02-06:00

Our aim is to provide you with an encompassing yoga retreat during the entirety of your stay, no matter when you check in and when you check out. For a full schedule of our offerings, please visit Events.

What kind of food and drink does Eagle’s Nest offer?2022-06-06T20:26:19-06:00

While we change our menu daily, we always use organic, locally-produced ingredients in our dishes. Every meal we provide has both a vegetarian and vegan option. Occasionally, we offer a meat option as well. For those wanting a snack or dessert, we maintain an a la carte menu from opening until close. Our beverage list contains coffee, tea, Cacao, smoothies, wine, beer and other concoctions. For meal times and further details regarding our menu, please visit Café.

Do you have any residential volunteer opportunities?2023-11-28T14:45:44-06:00

We’re not currently taking applications.

Signature Experiences

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