Eagle’s Nest’s Inspiring Feature in Digital Newspaper Noticiero El Vigilante Encouraging People to Reconnect

Founder Greg Clough shares his Inspiration behind Eagle’s Nest

We are thrilled to announce that we were recently featured in digital newspaper Noticiero El Vigilante. The interview covered Greg’s inspiration to create Eagle’s Nest as well as our mission and vision.

Noticiero El Vigilante Feature

Creating Paradise on Earth

At Eagle’s Nest, we believe that play and connection are essential parts of a fulfilling life. Our founder Greg started the center to provide a peaceful and nurturing environment for individuals and groups to dream, grow, and reconnect with themselves and others.

During the interview, Greg shared his motivation behind to create an ecological resort: “It was an inspiration of wanting to live my dreams of creating a paradise on this earth“. Greg also dives into the metaphor of the Eagle – the messenger of paradise and the spiritual world.

Find Balance and Inner Peace

In our modern day world, stress, depression and mental distraction are common topics. That’s why we believe that it is crucial to take time for ourselves, to heal and find clarity and new inspiration. Our ecological resort, in the midst of the stunning nature of Lake Atitlan, is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Greg also highlights the various offers we have, including yoga, events, and meals. Our stays are all-inclusive and designed to help individuals and groups reduce stress, improve mental clarity, reconnect with themselves and others and promote overall well-being.

Watch the full interview here.



Curious to take time to reconnect and join our community of free souls? Check our rooms and book your stay here!

Read the full story here!

Written by : Laura Born

Laura is small town girl from Germany, who decided to leave the corporate world to follow her dreams. She has since then traveled the world, teaching yoga in various locations. She is a passionate writer and loves to share inspiring stories from all over the world.

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